801 Road to Six Flags W Suite # 145 Arlington, TX 76012

Starfish Counseling, PLLC.
About Us
About Starfish Counseling

Starfish Counseling is a private counseling practice with all Masters Level Clinicians trained in the most current evidence based practices. We are located in Arlington, Texas and would like to work with you, your child and/or family to improve life's challenges that are affecting you.
Starfish Counseling has a fee level for everyone. Since we are a counseling office and a training/educational practice, we can offer a wide range of fees without compromising client care. We offer reduced fee counseling starting around the amount of a typical copay for mental health services. Fees are based on the experience level of the therapist. We have three different experience levels of our therapists at Starfish Counseling. Our Senior Therapists accept insurance and sometimes using insurance can mean little to no cost to you.
How to tell the difference between a Senior Therapist, Junior Therapist and a Student Intern:
A Senior Therapist has either an LCSW , LPC, LMFT license and is someone who has a master’s degree in the field of counseling or social work, who has passed their counseling/ social work boards (licensing exam), has been licensed by the state, and has practiced under supervision for over 3,000 hours.
A Junior Therapist is either a LMSW, LPC-Associate, or LMFT-Associate and has all of the same qualifications as an LCSW/LPC/LMFT, except they are still under a period of supervision for 3,000 hours to gain permanent clinical licensure by the state with either an LCSW-Supervisor, LPC-Supervisor or LMFT-Supervisor.
A Student Intern is still in their master’s program working towards their degree in counseling or social work. They are fulfilling their practicum requirements to complete their degree prerequisites for graduation. They are under the supervision of either a LCSW or LPC.
Please call our office to find out about the different rates for our three different experiences levels! We have one for every budget!
When choosing a therapist, it is important to find someone you can trust that also provides a safe and comfortable environment where you or your child can work through the challenges of life. We would love to meet you and talk more about how we can create a strong helping and working relationship together.
Meet Our Therapists

Telehealth Only